Thursday, March 06, 2008

Troubleshooting Naxos issues

There have been several different issues with Naxos recently. In this post we'll deal with each in turn...

1) Browser cookies and the importance of logging out of Naxos properly

If you are using Naxos and you exit by simply closing the browser rather than by clicking the red LOG OUT button in the upper right of the screen, you will likely experience problems when trying to reconnect to Naxos. If this happens you need to delete the cookies saved by your browser in order to log back in normally.

A quick check --> If the URL in your browser's address box ends in "default.asp" then you are connecting correctly. If it ends in "home.asp" you probably have a cookie left over from an improper exit that is now interfering with your ability to connect.

2) Naxos' session time out and what constitutes "activity"

Naxos is set to time a user session out after 1 hour of inactivity. Listening to music in Naxos is not "active" and so if you select over an hour's worth of music and just let it play you will get a session time out at the end of an hour. To be "active" you need to periodically click links in the interface. Perhaps the best thing to do is only select up to 50 minutes of music to play at once, so that you have to take an "active" step to get to more music thereby resetting the activity/inactivity clock.

My guess is that a session time out is considered an improper logout as well - see issue #1 above to resolve.

3) Macs need some tweaking for Naxos

As it turns out, flip4mac is not supported by Naxos. If you are listening on a Mac, Naxos recommends that you uninstall flip4mac or disable it. Naxos also recommends that Mac users have Windows Media Player 9 for the Mac installed, even though it's no longer supported by Microsoft. See the 2 attached docs for info on Macs and Naxos.

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