Thursday, November 15, 2007

Check your H-index

Authors: Check your H-index in the Web of Science.

The H-index measures the productivity of a researcher and the impact of their work. The Web of Science offers a calculation of an author's H-index based on all of an author's publications that are indexed by the Web of Science. Please note that the Web of Science does not index all journals so any articles published in journals not indexed by the Web of Science will not be included in the H-index calculation.

Instructions on finding your H-index.

1. Go to the Web of Science (
2. Click the blue link to Author Finder.
3. Type in the last name, first initial and middle initial of the author. Click Next.
4. Select the author names from the list that match the person you are searching on. Please be aware, middle initials may not be used in all article citations. Click Next.
5. Select all subject categories that apply to an author's body of work. Click Next.
6. Select all institutions that apply. Click Finish.
7. The list of articles will be refined to just author(s) with the criteria you selected.
8. Click on Citation Report on the side menu bar.
9. The H-index will be displayed.

The citation report can be generated from any general search for an author as well. The author finder feature creates a more refined search to distinguish authors with similar names.

If you have any questions on locating the H-index for an author in the Web of Science, please contact Dana Antonucci at

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